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Crystallographic Diffraction Data
The xrefin statement sets up information that is
needed for all aspects of X-PLOR dealing with crystallographic
diffraction data.
- Crystallographic Target Functions
- Orthogonalization Convention
- Syntax of the Xrefin Statement
- Reflection Files
- Syntax
- Example: A Crystallographic Reflection File
- Example: Merging Crystallographic Reflection Files
- Manipulating Reflection Data
- Syntax
- Requirements
- Example: Scaling
- Example: Definition of a Weighting Scheme
- Example: Application of a Cutoff
- Example: Generate a Full Data Set
- Example: Expand a Data Set
- Partial Structure Factors
- Bulk Solvent Mask
- Alternate Conformations
- Anomalous Scattering
- Special Positions
- Luzzati Plot
- Wilson Plot
Xplor-NIH 2024-09-13