surfD |
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produce protein surface tesselation
Based on the SURF program by
A. Varshney et al. IEEE Comput. Graphics Appl. 1994, 14, 19-25.
constructor: Surf(selection)
selection is an atomSel.AtomSel object specifying the atoms to include
when tesselating protein surface.
maxTessLen - parameter controlling the number of triangles used in
tessellation, the smaller the number, the more triangles, and
thus, hogher fidelity. [6 Angstroms]
probeRadius - radius of sphere rolled over the molecular surface. [1.4
(const CDSVector<float_type>& radii) - updates constants which
are as van der Waals radii of atoms.
update_atoms() - updates atom positions from those
currently in the Simulation.
updateRadii(vals) - set the atomic radii. The argument
vals must be of size len(selection).
tessellate() - tessellates protein surface. The
method updateRadii must be called
(const char* filename, const double& Shell_radius)
- service routine which reads atoms from a PDB file and adds a constant
shell for all atoms' radii.
atomPoints - a list of vertices for each atom in selection.
each element has the following members:
grid - a list of 3 times the number of triangles of
coord and normal, each of which is a vec3.Vec3
specifying a vertex position and normal vector
atom - identifying atom.Atom
surfOutput() - return a string with surface triangle information. The
output format is:
V1x V1y V1z N1x N1y N1z
V2x V2y V2z N2x N2y N2z
V3x V3y V3z N3x N3y N3z
where index is the atom index and Via and Nia specify
the three triangle vertices and normals in the three
Cartesian dimensions. For each triangle of each atom,
the sequence above is repeated.
asSTLstring(name='') - return the Surf object as a String in ASCII STL
format, used in 3D printing, and readable by VMD.
The optional name argument is an label.
The following static function:
stlToString(triList, name="") - given a list of triangles, return an ASCII
STL String. Currently, the triList cannot be
generated in the Python interface.
Internal object which converts coordinates of tessellated surface into
a diffusion tensor and performs related operations.
Used by diffPot.DiffPot and relaxRatioPot.RelaxRatioPot, and
surfTessellation.SurfTessellation classes via methods associated
with surfTessellation class.
Based on ELM programm by Y. Ryabov et al. JACS 2006, 128 (48), pp 15432-15444.
constructor: No constructor available
calcSA(sel) - return the solvent-accessible surface area of the atoms in
sel, an atomSel.AtomSel, which defaults to all atoms.
tessellate() must be called first.
cvrm_W() - calculates weighted covariance matrix using partial linear and
bilinear sums ( Sum, Norm, and Sum2 ) calculates norm factors Norm_F.
eig_calc( CovMat *c_vrm ) - calculates Eigen values and Eigen vectors for given
covariance matrix CovMat *c_vrm.
make_diffusion_tensor(eigS *eig, double TmP) - calculates diffusion tensor for
given set of Eigen values and Eigen vectors eigS *eig
and given value of temperature.
ellipt_int_simp(const double& a_x_2,
const double& a_y_2,
const double& a_z_2,
const double& dc ) - calculates elliptical integrals
using Simpson's quadratures.
calc_Tmp(double TmP) - calculates the factor taking into account the
temperature dependency of water viscosity for protein thumbing in water
approximation from:
Weast, R.C. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 59th ed.
CRC press West Palm Beach, FL 1978
calc_sum(int a_, int b_, int k,
double a_m, double b_m ) - calculates a part of covariance matrix sum
which corresponds to a particular atom # k.
calc_deriv_Per_x_Per_y_Per_z_on_Ax_Ay_Az(const double& Ax,
const double& Ay,
const double& Az,
const double& P,
const double& Q,
const double& R ) -
calculates partial derivatives of Per_x Per_y and Per_z with respect to
the values of ellipsoid semi-axes squares Ax, Ay, and Az.
calc_cov_dif(int C, int k, int A, int B,
CovMat *c_vrm ) - calculates particular derivative with
respect to the C coordinate of atom # k for the components of covariance matrix
with indexes A and B.
calculate_chi2( double TmpF, Mat3 target ) - calculates Chi2 for the energy of
diffPot potential.
calculate_energy_and_derivatives(double TmpF,
Mat3 target,
double sc_l,
DerivList& derivs,
const AtomSel& sel,
double range_Tmp,
double current_temperature,
Atom Xa, Atom Ya, Atom Oa) - Calculates energy
and derivatives for diffPot potential.
current_diffusion_tensor( double TmpF ) - calculates diffusion tensor for given TmpF.
calculate_chi2_eigen_values( double TmpF, Mat3 target ) - calculates minimal Chi2
based on differences of eigen values only.
dTmpF_dT( double TmP ) - calculates the partial difference of the temperature factor
with respect to the temperature value
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# Version 4.0.2
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