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- DYNAmics
- ANALyze CORRelation { dynamics-time-correlation-statement } END is invoked from the main level of X-PLOR.
- dynamics-time-correlation-statement :==
- trajectory-statement
- defines the input data; see Section 12.1.3.
- specifies the type of correlation function to be evaluated.
- LENGth=real
- gives the length of correlation function in psec.
- NORMalize=logical
- normalizes a correlation such that c(0)=1.0.
- OUTPut
- filename writes the correlation function to the specified file.
- SPECies=selection
- gives an average (center of mass) over selected atoms.
- SHELl { shell-statement } END
- provides an additional selection based on dynamical position.
- shell-statement:==
- trajectory-statement
- CUTHigh=real
- CUTLow=real
- MODE=SELFSIMUltaneously
- ORIGin=vector
Xplor-NIH 2024-09-13