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- SBOUnd
- SBOUnd sbound-statement END is invoked from the main level of X-PLOR.
- sbound-statement:==
- SBOUnd sbound-set-statement END * set up tables *
- POTEntial
- <sbound-potential-statement>
- REFLect
- <sbound-reflect-statement>
- reset parameters and origin
- sbound-set-statement:==
- ORIGin=table number vector
- specify origin for solvent boundary
- AXIS table number vector
- specify direction of cylinder axis
- ASSIgn table number selection-syntax
- assigns selected atoms to specified table
- ATTAch table number attach statement
- attach solvent boundary to selected atoms
- attach-statement:==
- SELE=selection-syntax
- turn attach off, origin is used
- SBETa table number real
- specify the boundary coupling sensitivity to the atoms to which it is attached 0=no sensitivity (attached to ORIGin) 1=instantaneous sensitivity (follows center of mass of selected atoms
- MATRix ROWs=integer COLUmns=integer
- read table. Starting on the line following this statement the matrix is specified matrix(ROWs,COLUmns)
- sbound-potential-statement:==
- OUTPut=filename
- has to be specified before MATRix
- MATRix ROWS=integer COLUmns=integer matrix-elements
generates potential table (cubic splines) from force table by trapezoidal rule integration.
- sbound-reflect-statement:==
- reflects periodic box (26 images)
- LBOX=real
- ORIGin=vector
- CUT=real
- OUTPut=filename
- new coordinates are written to file
Remark: Tables should be equidistant cubic splines listed as a matrix with 5 columns: radius, potential (Y), 1.-coef., 2.-coef, 3.-coef. The definition of the spline coefficients is: E = ( ( C(J,3)*D+C(J,2) )*D+C(J,1) )*D + Y(J)