tagPairDist |
index |
TagPairDist- A class used for computing a pairwise distance distribution
arising from a pair of sidechain rotamer tags. This is used in the
deerPot and tagPairPot modules.
tagEnvironment is a TagEnvironment object (described below), rVals
is a sequence of distance values (in Angstroms) to compute a Pr(r).
atomSel1 and atomSel2 define two sets of tag rotamers between which
the Pr is computed.
comment - optional comment string.
tagRadii1 - arrays containing radii for each rotamer corresponding to atoms
tagRadii2 in atomSel1 and atomSel2.
iWeights1()/setIWeights1(val) - return/set the intrinsic weights of
iWeights2()/setIWeights2(val) - each rotamer in the two tags.
distanceWeights1() - return the weights computed from overlap of tag atom
distanceWeights2() identified in atomSel1/2 with tagEnvironment's
distanceWeight for each tag atom is the product of
w_d = 1 * w_1 * w_2 * ... w_N
where N = min(env.numClosestAtoms,num neighbors).
The weight w_i corresponding to overlap between the tag atom and
neighbor i is given by a piecewise continuous function depending
on distance d_i = |q_tag - q_i|:
/ L(d_i-r_tag-r_i) , for d_i < r_tag+r_i
w_i = | P(d_i-r_tag-r_i) , for d_i >= r_tag+r_i,
| d_i < r_tag+r_i+r_c
\ 1 , for d_i >= r_tag+r_i+r_c
where r_i is the radius of neighbor i and r_tag is the tag radius,
r_c is distanceSigmoidWidth, L(r) the logistic curve, and P(r) a
fifth order polynomial:
L(r) = (1 + exp(-A_c r))^(-1)
P(r) = (1.+r*(1/5*r^4 -2/3*r_c^2*r^2 + r_c^4)/N_P) / 2
with A_c = 15/4/r_c, and N_P = 8/15*r_c^5.
removeTagAtoms1(sel) - remove the atoms in atomSel1 as specified in the
atomSel.AtomSel sel argument.
removeTagAtoms2(sel) - remove the atoms in atomSel2 as specified in the
atomSel.AtomSel sel argument.
tagEnv() - return the TagEnvironment object.
pairDist() - the pairDist.PairDist object used to compute the Pr(r).
The weights used in pairDist's computation of Pr(r) are
(normalized) values of iWeights1 * distanceWeights1 and
iWeights2 * distanceWeights2.
Associated short-cut methods, returning methods from pairDist():
rVals() - return the r,Pr values associated with
Pr() - the distance probability distribution.
atomSel1() - AtomSel objects describing the two sets of rotamers.
class TagEnvironment describes rotamer tags and the environment with which
they interact. This class is instantiated in deerPot.DEERPot and
radii - array of radii, one for each atom in simulation()
nonTagSelection() - return atomSel.AtomSel corresponding to the
nonTagSel argument given when the object was created.
printNeighborList() - print neighbors of all tagAtoms. These neighbors will
be come from nonTagSelection, specified
rValues(minR=-1, - return an array of distances starting at minR, ending
maxR=-1, at maxR, with spacing of deltaR. If a negative value
deltaR=-1) is given, the object default values (below) are used.
maxRadius() - the maximum of tagRadii and radii
simulation() - the simulation.Simulation of nonTagSelection()
addTagAtoms(sel) - add the atoms specified as a atomSel.AtomSel in
the argument as tag atoms. This requries that
setTagRadii has been called previously for all atom
in sel.
tagAtoms() - return a list of all atoms added via addTagAtoms().
setRadii(radii) - set radii, one for each atom in simulation()
setTagRadii(resname, - set the radius for one tag atom specified by residue
atomName, name resname and atomName to val.
tagRadius(resname, - return the the radius set for the atom specified by
atomName) resname and AtomName.
The quantities below may be retrieved using the member function form
quantity(), while they are set using the form setQuantity(value).
moveTol - threshold triggering regeneration of neighbors of
tagAtoms: if any atom moves more (in Agstroms) than
moveTol, neighbors are recomputed.
distanceSigmoidWidth - width used to control how quickly distance weights
change from 1 to 0 when there is overlap between
tagAtom and nonTagSelection [3 Angstrom].
absoluteWeights - force all product weights to be positive [True].
numClosestAtoms - number of atoms to use in computation of distance
weight [3].
minR - default values (in Angstroms) for [15]
maxR creation of [100]
deltaR the distance array. [0.5]
verbose - toggle verbose output [False]
Static Functions:
distanceWeight(dist, - return the distance weight function
radius1, with the given parameters
d_distanceWeight(dist, - return the derivative of the
radius1, distanceWeight function.
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# Version 4.0.2
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