hbSurf |
index |
ron roff
3D Interpolated Hydrogen-bonding energy surface used by the
hbPot.HBPot energy term.
HBSurf instances are usually created by the HBPot energy term.
filename corresponds to a file in the HBSurf format (described below),
and rOn and rOff specify the cutoff parameters - see below
CDSList<String> notes() const { return notes_; }
CDSVector<float_type> phiVals() const { return phiVals_; }
CDSVector<float_type> thetaVals() const { return thetaVals_; }
CDSVector<float_type> rVals() const { return rVals_; }
CDSVector<float_type> energyVals() const { return energyVals_; }
CDSMap<String,float_type> elevels;
float_type elevel(const String& threshold) const;
The energy surface is smoothly switched off using the multiplicative
switching function:
SW(r,r_{on},r_{off}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 0 & if r > r_{off} \\
\frac{(r^{2}-r_{off}^{2})^2 (r_{off}^{2} + 2r^{2} - 3r_{on}^{2} )}
{(r_{off}^{2} - r_{on}^{2})^3} & {if r_{off} > r > r_{on}} \\
1 & {if r < r_{on}} \begin{array} \right.
values of accessors are retrieved using the member function form
quantity(), while they are set using the form setQuantity(value).
scale - energy scale factor
rOn - specifies the
switching function above.
rOff - specifies the
switching function above.
energy(r, theta, phi) - return energy, given values or r, theta and phi
derivs(r, theta, phi) - return a structure containing
(dE/dr , dE/dtheta , dE/dphi) at the
specified position on the surface.
# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
# Version 4.0.2
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.
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