derivList |
index |
container for atomic derivative information.
An object which contains derivatives with respect to atomic position.
Notes on derivLists of EnsembleSimulations:
they share their derivList w/ their member() and subSim()
while other EnsembleMemberSimulations have their derivLists initialized,
these derivLists are generally not used.
init(simulation) - allocate and zero array corresponding to the specified
clear() - zero out all existing arrays.
get(simulation) - returns a cdsVector.CDSVector_Vec3 corresponding
to the derivatives of coordinates in the specified
isInitialized(simulation) - returns bool indicating whether or not init()
has been called on this simulation
simulations() - return a list of Simulations which have nonzero entries
in this DerivList.
sync() - calls syncDerivs() for each Simulation which has a
gradient entry in this DerivList. For EnsembleSimulations,
SymSimulations, TagSimulations and EnsSymSimulations,
this function must be called to get correct gradients.
Calling an energy (Pot) term's calcEnergyAndDerivs()
will accumulate gradient information into an array
associated with a Simulation associated with that term.
The IVM only manipulates XplorSimulations and
EnsembleSimulations, and the other Simulations are coaxed
to appropriately propagate their gradient info to
the dependent Simulations using these methods.
Can be indexed by Simulation, in which case the (assignable) Vec3 array for
that Simulation (determined using Simulation.lookupID()) is returned.
Can also be index by Atom, returning the (assignable) Vec3 for a particular
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