bondAngle |
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Helper module to calculate bond angle values and gradients
The bond angle is defined by atoms a0, a1 and a2:
A single bond angle can be represented by the class BondAngle
BondAngle(a0, a1, a2)
The arguments specify the three atoms in the bond angle. Each
argument is an atom.Atom object, an atomSel.AtomSel object or
simply a string with an X-PLOR language atom selection.
Return the value of the bond angle (in radians).
Return the cosine of the bond angle (in radians).
Return the value of the gradient of the bond angle Theta for the three
atoms. The return value is a tuple:
(dThetadAtom0, dThetadAtom1, dThetadAtom2)
where dThetadAtomx (x = 0-2) is a vec3.Vec3 object with the x,y,z
partial derivatives of the bond angle at the coordinates of atom
atom0(), atom1(), atom2()
Return the requested atom (an atom.Atom object).
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# Version 4.0.2
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