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CARBon {<chemical-shift-statement>} END <CHEMSHIFT-statement>:== ASSIgn <sel> <sel> <sel> <sel> <sel> <real> <real> {* Ci-1, Ni, Cai, Ci, Ni+1, Ca-obs, Cb-obs (in ppm) *} CLASsification <name> ! Starts a new class. Applies to all ! ASSIgn and FORCe entries until another CLASs entry ! is issued. EXPEctation <integer> <integer> <real> <real> <real> <real> ! {* psi-pos psi-pos CAvalue CAerr CBvalue CBerr *} ! for expectation values FORCeconstant <real> ! force constant for all assignments ! in the current CLASs. (default: 50) NREStraints <integer> ! number of slots for chemical shift ! restraints to allocate in memory (default: 200) PHIStep <real> ! number of steps in the phi dimension of the ! expectation array PSIStep <real> ! number of steps in the psi dimension of the ! expectation array POTEntial <SQUAre | HARMonic> ! use shift errors or not PRINt THREshold <real> ! prints secondaray shift ! violations of either Ca or Cb ! greater than the specified value (in ppm) ! the following variables are set: ! RMSCA - rmsd of CA chem shifts ! RMSCB - rmsd of CB chem shifts ! RMSD - a weighted average ! NUMBER- total number of shifts ! VIOLATIONS - number of violated restraints RCOIl <sel> <real> <real> ! set the random ! coil a and b 13C shifts for the selected atoms RESEt ! erases the chemical shift assignment table ZERO ! zero out the expectation value arrays
Xplor-NIH 2024-09-13