Plane Restraints
It is possibile to apply restraints to an individual atom based on its
distance from a plane defined by the normal vector

and the
atom's reference coordinate (atom properties refx, refy, refz).
An atom for which plane restraints are defined experiences restraints
only in the direction of

Plane restraints
are defined as
E_{HARM}= \sum_{{\rm atoms with } h_i<0} \left( -h_i \right...
...} \cdot \left(\vec{r}_i - \vec{r}_i^{ref}\right)
\end{displaymath}](img256.png) |
(7.2) |
where the sum extends over all atoms with negative individual weights

. The
symbols in Eq.
correspond to those in Eq.
By default, plane restraints are turned off. To enable plane
restraints, a nonzero normal vector

has to be specified
using the restraints harmonic statement and assigning a
negative weight

for the
atom property HARM. Note that plane restraints are computed
only for atoms with

; otherwise point restraints (see
7.1.1) are applied, even if a nonzero normal
vector is defined. This permits the simultaneous use of point and
plane restraints, however, for disjunct sets of atoms. If

, plane restraints are disabled.
Xplor-NIH 2024-09-13