

Compute positional RMSD to a reference structure.

Usage: targetRMSD [options] <target structure file> <structure files to compare>

where option is one or more of:

-orderedSel - If specified, treat the selections as ordered,
              i.e. use the order of ORs, and not the PSF
              atom order.

Options are zero or more of:

-selection <selection>        - Atoms used in comparison. An atom selection
                                enclosed in quotes. Default:
                                '(not hydro and not resname ANI)'.

-fitSelection <selection>     - Atoms used to best-fit structures. An atom
                                selection enclosed in quotes.
                                Default: selection.

-selection2 <selection>       - Atoms used in comparison for structure 2...
                                An atom selection enclosed in quotes.
                                Default: selection.

-fitSelection2 <selection>    - Atoms used to best-fit structures 2...
                                An atom selection enclosed in quotes.
                                Default: fitSelection.

-psf     <psf filename(s)>    - One or more PSF filenames. If more than one
                                filename is specified, they must be either
                                space-separated and enclosed in quotes, or
                                If this option is the value none, or omitted,
                                the PSF information is auto-generated.

-psf2    <psf filename(s)>    - One or more PSF filenames for structure 2...
                                If more than one filename is specified, they
                                must be either space-separated and enclosed in
                                quotes, or colon-separated.
                                If this option is the value none or omitted,
                                the PSF information is auto-generated from
                                the first input structure file. The presence
                                of this option implies -diffSeq.

-diffSeq                      - Target and comparison structures have
                                different sequences - generate them
                                separately. All comparison structure files
                                must have the same sequence, though.

-removeMissing                - Remove from a selection atoms not present in
                                the other, for cases where the selections
                                (selection, selection2), (fitSel, fitSel2) do
                                not have the same number of atoms.

-noFit                        - Omit the fitting procedure. If not specified,
                                the structures are best-fitted before pairwise
                                RMSD calculation.

-showRigid                    - Print full translation+rotation info for each
                                rigid body fit.

-write                        - For each comparison structure file, write the
                                corresponding fitted coordinates to a file
                                of the same name, appended with the suffix
                                ".fit" (or the value specified by -fitSuffix).

-fitSuffix <string>           - Specify custom suffix (e.g., <string> =
                                '.myfitsuffix') for the written fit
                                structures.  As side effect, structures will
                                be written whether the -write option is
                                specified or not.

-model <model number>        -  Model number to use for the comparison
                                structure file[s]. The default behavior is
                                to compare to all models.

-useBIOMT                     - use the PDB's BIOMT field to generate the
                                full biological unit. Generated subunits will
                                have segids consisting of the ChainID followed
                                by the BIOMT number, starting with 2. [e.g.
                                the first might be A2.]

-perResidue                   - Report residue-by-residue RMSD values.

-perStructure                 - Report per-structure RMSD values.

Structures are first best-fit, and then the rmsd is calculated. This is done for each pair of structures. The average, deviation, min and max rmsd are printed.

If the -noFit is given, or if fitSelection != selection, the magnitudes of rotation and CM translation to fit selection onto selection2 is also printed.

Additional common options