Fit structures and determine unstructured regions using the maximum likelihood methodology of
D.L. Theobald and D.S. Wuttke, "THESEUS: Maximum likelihood superpositioning and analysis of macromolecular structures," Bioinformatics 22, 2171-2172 (2006).
Usage: mleFit [options] <structures to fit>
where option is one or more of:
-psf <file name> - PSF file - required for nonstandard residues
where the structures to fit is a space-separated list of pdb filenames, or the name of a MODEL-separated PDB file.
Options are zero or more of:
-selection <atom selection> - which atoms to use in the fit [default value: name CA] -mSelect - specify method of regularizing the inverse of the covariance matrix. By default, a perturbative approach is used (a small value is added to the diagonal). If this option is specified, use diagonal elements as ``eigenvalues,'' and follow the scheme of Theoboald and Wuttke. -verbose - cause intermediate values of log likelihood and RMSD to be printed. -pVariance - print a text file (named Variance.txt) with the variances of all the selected atoms. -pRTMatrix - print a text file (named RotTrans_Mat.txt) with the rotation and tranlation matrix for each structure. -rmsdThreshold <value> - specify the RMSD value for determining whether an atom is in an ordered region [default: 1.000000 angstrom] -writeStructs - the PDB files of the fitted structures are written to the current working directory with '.mleFit' appended to the filename. In addition, another PDB file is written with the mean coordinates along with the variance of each atom in the B-factor column with the file name: MLE-Average.pdb. Maximum Likelihood RMSD = Sqrt(k/Tr(C^{-1})) where, k = number of selected atoms C = the covariance matrix Ensemble RMSD = Sqrt(\Sum_{i,j}(delta_{i,j}^2)*1/(3Na*Ns)) Average RMSD = (1/Ns)*\Sum_{i}* (Sqrt(\Sum_{j}(delta_{i,j}^2))*1/(Na)) where, delta_{i,j} = |q_{i,j}-qavg_{j}| ,q_{i,j} is the jth atom in ith structure and qavg_{j} is the jth atom of the mean structure. Ns = Number of structures Na = Number of selected atoms