

Print out fit of given distance restraints to the specified structures.

Usage: evalDists [options] <pdb file1> [<pdb file2> ...]

where option is one or more of:

-nef <filename>             - NEF file containing distance restraints
-nefName <name>             - name of NEF restraint block
-psf <file name>            - PSF file - required for nonstandard residues
-tbl <filename>             - file with XPLOR-formatted distance restraints
-aveType <ave type>         - one of"average", "center", "sum", "shortest", or
                              "closest" ["sum"]
-selection <atom selection> - restrict analysis to restraints involving the
                              specified atoms.
-sortDiff <val>             - change the listing order from that of the
                              restraint table to sorting      by the
                              abs(diff), largest to smallest.
-showAll                    - output info for violated and non-violated

Additional common options