Analyze coordinates for covalent (bond, angle, improper dihedral) violations.
Usage: evalCovalent [options] <coordinate files to analyze>
where option is one or more of:
-bondThresh <val> - bond length difference (in Angstrom) from equilibrium above which a violation is flagged [0.05] -angleThresh <val> - bond angle difference (in degrees) from equilibrium above which a violation is flagged [2] -imprThresh <val> - impropropoer dihedral difference (in degrees) from equilibrium above which a violation is flagged [2] -selection <atom selection> - atoms to include in analysis selection -psf <file name> - PSF file - required for nonstandard residues -par <file name> - filename containing alternate parameters - may be specified more than once. -fixImpropers - If specified, set fixMethylImpropers and fixProtonImpropers to True in protocol.initCoords, else they are set to False -model <integer> - PDB model number to read [1]