

Given a molecular structure and a PRE restraint table, back-calculate PRE values, and optionally plot the observed and calculated values as a function of residue number. The convention used in this helper program is that the paramagnetic tag is listed in the first selection, while the measured residues are listed in the second selection.

Usage: calcPRE [option] -psf <file.psf> -table <file.tbl> <file.pdb>

where option is one or more of:

-subSel <atom selection> - delete restraints do not include the specified
                           atoms in sel2 or sel3.

Currently, this program requires that all tag coordinates be present, and that an accompanying PSF be specified.


-psf <file.psf>    - name of PSF file.
-table <file.tbl>  - name of file with PRE assignment statements. If the
                     string "generate" is given as the table name, dummy
                     restraints are generated from the -genTagSel and
                     -genSel arguments, so that no input table is required,
                     but the -genTagSel is required.

-crossTable <file.tbl> - restraints not used in determining tag coordinates
                         or tau_c, but whose restraints are back-calculated
                         using the values determined from the argument of
                         the -table option.
-params <file.par> - name of a parameter file, required for tag optimization
                     of non-standard systems. This option can be given
                     multiple times to load multiple parameter files.

-aveType <spec>    - type of distance averaging. The argument spec is one of
                      r-6 : <r^(-6)> averaging
                      sum : 1/aveSize \sum r^{-6}
-aveSize <val>     - Value of aveSize for sum averaging. This can be important
                     for oligomers.

-singleEns         - Treat the files specified as an ensemble instead of a set
                     of individual structures.

-genTagSel         - selection for paramagnetic tag used to generate dummy
                     restraints if the table is specified as "generate".

-genSel            - selection used to generate dummy restraints if
                     the table is specified as "generate" ["name HN"]

-funType <spec>    - the spec argument can be one of correlation, harmonic,
                     square, or onesixth.  [default: harmonic] For
                     all but correlation, the constant PRE prefactor
                     components must be accurately specified. These

      -rlxType <spec>    - Type of paramagnetic relaxation mechanism. The
                           argument spec should be one of
                            "r2dd"    : R2 relaxation enhancement by
                                                dipolar mechanism
                            "r2curie" :         Curie spin relaxation
                            "r2mix"   :     r2dd + r2curie
                            "r1dd"    : R1 relaxation enhancement by
                                                  dipolar mechanism
                            "r1curie" :           by Curie spin relaxation
                            "r1mix"   :     r1dd + r1
      -frequency <val>   - NMR frequency in MHz [800].
      -npc <num>         - number of paramagnetic centers [1] - for
                           oligomers. See the prePot docs for more info.
      -sqn <val>         - electron spin quantum number [0.5].
      -tauc <val>        - correlation time. This is optimized if
                           -fitTags or -fitTauc is specified.

-fitTauc           - If specified, tauc will be chosen to optimize the
                     PRE energy function.
-noFitTauc         - If specified, tauc will be not be optimized. By default,
                     tauc is optimized if -fitTauc or -fitTags are given.
-fitTags           - If specified, the sidechain coordinates of the tag
                     residues are manipulated such that the PRE energy is
                     optimized. By default, sidechain selection in the
                     restraint table are updated. This fitting is controlled
                     through the following flags:

      -tagSel <sel>      - where sel is an atom selection to move during
                           tag optimization. Use of this term enables
      -backboneSel <sel> - sel is an atom selection of atoms which should
                           not be moved during tag optimization.
      -tagInteractSel <sel> - sel specifies which atoms interact with the
                              tag coordinates. By default tag atoms with
                              the same segid interact with all non-tag atoms.
                              Tag atoms with different segids do not interact.
      -groupedSel <sel>  - sel is an atom selection of atoms which should
                           be moved as a rigid body during tag optimization.
                           This option can be specified multiple times to
                           specify multiple regions to be grouped separately.
      -energyScale <val> - energy scale factor during tag optimization [1].
      -scaleType <spec>  - where spec is one of const, sigma or obsig. This
                           value controls the energy scale factor for each
                           per-restraint contribution [sigma].
      -eefx              - If specified, uses the EEFx force field during
                           tag optimization. This requires a custom PSF.
      -numTagStructures <num> - for each input structure, the number of
                                structures calculated during tag
                                optimization [10].
      -highTempTime <val> - length (in ps) of high temperature dynamics
                            phase [10].
      -annealingTime <val>- length (in ps) of molecular dynamics at each
                            temperature during simulated annealing
                            phase [0.2].
      -writeStructures   - if specified, write out the structures calculated
                           with optimized tag configurations.

-sbmf              - By default, the Solomon-Bloembergen eqaution is used for
                     calculation of PRE from atomic coordinates. If this
                     option is specified, a model-free modification of this
                     equation is employed- see JACS 126, 5879 (2004). This
                     option takes into account internal tag motion with
                     characteristic time \tau_i, related to the total
                     correlation time 1/\tau_t by
                           1/\tau_t = 1/tau_c + 1/tau_i
-taut <val>        - the total correlation time (in ns). This must
                     be less than or equal to tauc, and defaults to 0,
                     corresponding to a case of internal motion fast
                     compared to tau_c and the inverse spectrometer
                     frequency. If -sbmf is specified, then this parameter
                     should be specified, along with -frequency and a
                     decent estimate for -taut,

-symmetryModule <m>- name of module to configure a
                     <m symSimulation>.SymSimulation. It must contain a
                     function named init which returns a
                     <m simulation>.Simulation.

-distMultMat <mat> - mat is specified as a row-major Python-formatted 2D
                     list specifying multipliers for the i,j 1/r^6 distance
                     contributions. This allows one to preferentially weight
                     a specified contribution, and has been used to simulate
                     the presence of a dimer/tetramer mixture when only a
                     single ensemble member's coordinates are present. The
                     dimensions of the list are len(sel1)xlen(sel2), so that
                     when this option is specified, the size of these
                     selections must be the same for each restraint.

-plotVsResid       - if specified, a plot of calculated and observed PRE
                     values is displayed as a function of residue number.

-plotCorrelation   - if specified, a plot is made of calculated vs observed PRE
                     values. Data points on this plot are clickable to
                     display segid:residue identity. The ``c'' button can be
                     used to clear picked labels.

-pdbTemplate <spec> - name of the output structures files if -writeStructures
                      is specified. The literal STRUCTURE is replaced by the
                      structure number associated with the tag computation
                      calculation, while the literal FILE is replaced by the
                      input filename [FILE_STRUCTURE.calcPRE].

-doAnalyze         - for each structure, print out analysis of each energy

-wintitle <string> - string to display in the title bar of the plot window(s).

Additional common options