Calculate an ensemble of SVD alignment tensors from an ensemble of structures and observed RDC values. The tensors are underdetermined.
Usage: calcETensor [options] -rdc <rdc table> <structure files>
rdc table is a colon- or space- separated list of dipolar coupling assignment tables relating to the same medium.
structure files is a list of pdbs to use in determining the tensors.
-weights <weights> - a colon-separated list of weights to use on structure ensemble members. -rdcWeights <weights> - a colon-separated list of weights used to weight rdc experiments relative to each other. -csa <csa table> - not yet supported. -maxDa <value> - set the maximum absolute value of Da [default: 50]. -svdTol <value> - discard singular values less than value times the average of the singular values. -aveType <type> - specify the type of averaging when an atom selection specifies more than one atom. The choices are: sum, average, and pairwise. The default value is pairwise. -noUseErrs - do not weight the terms with 1/err in the SVD calculation.
tensor details, predicted and observed dipolar couplings and rmsd values are printed.