Description of items printed in the PDB Header
Please click on the appropriate term below for a description of the associated information printed in the PDB header.
VarTensor: | |
DiffPot: | |
PRE: | |
AnglePot: | |
CCR: | |
CSA: | |
CSTMag: | |
DistSymm: | |
EnsWeights: | |
GlobDiff: | |
GyrPot: | |
H3JNCPot: | |
HBPot: | |
HMXPot: | |
JCoup: | |
NBTarget: | |
NOE: | |
OrderPot: | |
PosRMSD: | |
PlaneDist: | |
PosDiff: | |
ProbDistPot: | |
PSol: | |
SATensor: | |
RDCCorr: | |
RDC: | |
RelaxRatioPot: | |
RepelPot: | |
ResidueAffinity: | |
SARDC: | |
Shape: | |
SolnScat: | |
SpartaPot: | |
CSPot: | |
TDBPotl: | |
Xplor: | |
RamaPushPot: | |
DistSplinePot: | |
DEERPot: | |
TagPairPot: | |
EEFxPot: | |
DihedralPot: | |
Pair12_10Pot: | |
PairDHPot: | |
TagTool: | |
MaxHeightPot: | |
VecPairOrientPot: | |
PairLPPot: | |
PASDPot: |
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